15 may 2013


  • What would happen if a meteorite crashed into the moon?
  • Why does Saturn have a big ring?
  • If the sun exploded, what would happen?
  • If the moon crashed, what would happen? How can we survive?
  • How old are Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin?
If you answer these questions on a comment, you'll have 0.5 more in the exam!!


9 comentarios:

Julieta Vallet dijo...

Hi teacher!
I found it in Internet and these questions:
What would happen if a meteorite crashed into the moon?
We would have a nuclear winter. You would put huge amounts of rock into the atmosphere.It would block out the sun.
Why does Saturn have a big ring?
Scientists have ideas about why Saturn has rings, but no one knows for sure.

Anónimo dijo...

Nil Amstrong.
Neil Armstrong, the first man to have stepped on the moon, passed away at the age of 82 due to cardio-vascular complications after undergoing heart-bypass surgery in the US on August 25, 2012.



FIRST QUESTION: split the moon i would start it would end starting to finbal.
SECOND QUESTION: Saturn is formed by a 90% hydrogen and 5% helium ... has a gravity lower than that of the Moon (9.05 m / s ²) density of 690 kg / m³ makes it the only planet in the solar system with a density less than that of water. if you stand in a bowl of water that float despite its size.
on the other hand there is a section in the middle of his rings (A, B outside & inside) called Cassini Division, discovered by astronomer Giovanni Cassini in 1675, this sector is at 122,340 km from Saturn's center and has a width of about 4,800 Km .. lack of materials or particles in that region, is caused by the sole force of gravity exerted in this case the satellite Mimas, this division is in the orbit of the satellite resonance for that reason that area left completely empty whenever is placed on it ...
there are also two more but less important divisions: Encke Division (influenced by the orbit of Prometheus) and Keeler gap.
on the other hand according to research conducted by the Voyager, it is understood that Saturn's rings are made ​​mostly of ice from a white, perhaps produced by gases such as helium and nitrogen in the atmosphere of Saturn.
THIRD QUESTION: First the sun would expand and turning orange, would expand eating the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) one by one, that if before the stones would sterile due to the high temperatures and the solar wind, subsequently compacting begin to become a white dwarf explode or otherwise disseminating its residual components (all known elements in the periodic table) into space, his end blast to destroy all the planets orbiting even follow.
fourth question: we would begin to notice that night is not done then we would die of heat.
FIFTH QUESTION: Neil Armstrong is 83 and Edwin Aldrin also has 83 years.


Julieta Vallet dijo...

If the sun exploded, what would happen?
Depends on the mass of the sun.
When our sun will explode, its explosion will encompass the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These rocky planets will be simply vaporised. Further planets will suffer seriously from the show and heat wave, and will probably just "evaporate" as well (do not forget they are mostly formed with gases).
The our sun will collapse in what is called a red star, without emitting any heat.
If the sun is much bigger, it will explode, its remnants will then recollapse on itself to form a new star, where a new cycle of fusin will start. It will go into these cycles until the sum is made essentially of iron. At that time, no more nuclear reaction will occur and the star dies...
If the moon crashed, what would happen? How can we survive?
Life as you know it would be gone. We're all dependent on nature's balance and if this is put off, there will be no air to breath, no clean water, no atmosphere to reflect light and keep the skies blue and bright. Some my survive for a few days or months but no longer than that... a slow and ugly way to go.
How old are Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin?
Both are 83 years old, but Neil Amstrong dies in 2012

Anónimo dijo...

Hello!! I know somethink about the questions that you habe in "What do I want to know about the universe?"and it's that: Neil Amstrong died with 82 years,Edwin Aldrin has 83 years,if one meteorite crach with the moon it destroyed an the moon would have many pieces flyimg in the space and this peaces crach to other planets and the last one,Saturn have a big ring because this ring it's made it form a lot of satelis very near.

That's all! tanks April Morera 6th B

Anónimo dijo...

1. It depends on the size of it. Could form a crater.
2. Scientists believe it's because is so big, has lots of moons meening it has a stronger pull of gravity.
3. Will have no more light, no oxigen and everything will freeze.
4. I think it's very much unlikely.
May be the sea level rises.
To survive you have to moove to the mountains.
5. Aldrin is 83 years old and Armstrong died last year at the age of 82.

Alex Montini

Anónimo dijo...

question 1
It depends on the size and speed,but probably it will make a big crater.
question 2
Saturn has many rings.Nobody knows for sure,but probably they were formed during the origin of the solar system
question 3
If the sun exploded,the planets closer to
it would disappear
question 4
Probably life on Earth will disappear.
question 4 b)
We could survive by taking an spaceship to another planet
question 5
Neil Amstrong died the 25th of August of 2012 at the age of 82 years old.
question 5 b)
Edwin Aldrin is 83 years old

Pol Rabanal Cajal
course: 6èA

Anónimo dijo...

answer of question 1: that the orbit of the moon change of diraction and the planets of the solar system change too.
answer of queston 2: people thinks that a lot of years ago Saturn has got a moon an it explode, and the rocks were attracted by de gravity.
answer of queston 3: that the explotion and it affected the planets.
answer of question 4: depends, if a part of the moon crashed with the Earth, the Earth explode, and the other option is that it dosen't efect anything.
answer of question 5: Nail Amstrong died in 25 of august of 2012, and Edwin Aldrin have got 84 years.

thinked for Jordi Òdena and writed for Maria Òdena

Sofía Rivero 6th A dijo...

What would happen if a meteorite crashed into the moon?If a meteorite crash into the moon, the moon will explote.

Why does Saturn have a big ring?
Saturn has a big ring because Saturn has 61 satellites.

If the sun exploded, what would happen?
If the Sun explotes, the humans will die.

If the moon crashed, what would happen?
If the moon explotes, the moon will fall into the Earth and half part of humans will die.
How can we survive?
The plants, the other half part of humans and the animals will survive.
How old are Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin?
Neil Armstrong has died (25 of august in 2012) but now had 92 years and 240 days and Edwin Aldrin has got 83 years and 153 days.

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